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Why Eating Bogeys is Good for You

Why Eating Bogeys is Good for You

Mitchell Symons


Mitch Symons answers all these crazy questions and plenty more in this wonderfully funny and addictive book for children from 8 to 80!

And yes, eating bogeys is good for you .

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Why we have tonsils?

Is there any cream in cream crackers?

Why is the sea blue?

And if kangaroos keep their babies in their pouches, what happens to all the poo?!

Mitch Symons answers all these crazy questions and plenty more in this wonderfully funny and addictive book for children from 8 to 80!

And yes, eating bogeys is good for you . . . but only your own!

Product Description

Title - Why Eating Bogeys is Good for You

Edition -

Author - Mitchell Symons

ISBN 13 - 9781862301849

Imprint - Red Fox

Publisher - Penguin Random House Children's UK

Date Published - 04/06/2009

Prize -

No. of pages -

Binding Type - Paperback

Dimensions - 126 x 178 x 20mm

Weight - 196 g

Languages - English