The Green Beauty Bible - completely updated with lots of gorgeous new natural producrs tried & tested by hundreds of real women
The Green Beauty Bible - completely updated with lots of gorgeous new natural producrs tried & tested by hundreds of real women
Josephine Fairley
Condition: Used - Good
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63 per cent of us have sensitive skin, mainly due to cosmetics and our environment, and so never has there been a more timely moment to look at the more natural beauty products on the market. Sarah Stacey and Jo Fairley discuss all the relevant topics, including what healing plants to use for your skin type, 10 natural ways to boost your immune system, how to look after your hair more naturally, as well as gleaning advice from their Green Goddesses, including Alicia Silverstone, Liz Earle and Sheherazade Goldsmith. And for the latest round of their ongoing consumer survey, they recruited over 1,050 new testers who report on 44 categories of natural products from miracle creams to suncare, mascara to shampoo. The result is a blueprint for a more natural, healthier way of living beautifully, which is gentler on you and the environment.
Product Description
Title - The Green Beauty Bible - completely updated with lots of gorgeous new natural producrs tried & tested by hundreds of real women
Edition -
Author - Josephine Fairley
ISBN 13 - 9781856268516
Imprint - Kyle Cathie
Publisher - Octopus Publishing Group
Date Published - 01/10/2009
Prize -
No. of pages -
Binding Type - Paperback
Dimensions - x x mm
Weight - g
Languages - English